How it's made

PALKAN is different, and what defines us is our uncompromising commitment to quality. All our garments are designed and made in the UK from only the highest quality materials available.

We work with three design principles:


    Each PALKAN garment is designed from the ground up, from sketch to hangar.


    No expense spared with sourcing the absolute best quality materials on Earth.


    Carefully crafted in long-standing British mills by skilled artisans.

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From sketch to hangar



Starting with an idea, we begin to sketch out some rough drawings. Once we have a clear outline of a design direction we then create a rough visual mock-up in design software and then run these visuals through photorealistic AI image generation tools over hundreds of iterations.

Once we have found something that works we then pass these outputs to a 3D fashion designer to create accurate renders of the garment concept in 3D. At this stage we are focused on refining the design, thinking about colours, draping, stitching and trims.


At this stage we've got a realistic 3D render to base our sourcing on. We then go out and find the best possible materials, from fabrics to fittings like zips and buttons.

Throughout this process we assess many different samples from a range of high-quality suppliers. Only when we're completely satisfied that we've got the best of the best do we make an order.


Here we get to see the garment come to life! The first step is to create a rough prototype, which is often unbranded - which means no labels and basic colours and fittings.

During prototyping the focus is on making sure the fabric choice is working and that the fit is correct. A tech pack (think of this as a detailed blueprint) is created and the patterns are made and graded, which simply means creating different version of the pattern for the different sizes.

The next stage is creating a fully completed sample, which is branded and is effectively the same as the finished garment. This sample needs to be signed-off before manufacturing can begin.


Each PALKAN garment is then carefully crafted from the materials at our manufacturing site in Leicester, England.

Care and attention to detail are paramount, and skilled technicians work to assemble each garment.

Before anything is shipped out to our HQ in Leeds, a full quality control process is carried out to make sure each PALKAN is made exact to specification.


Now we can start thinking about how to get PALKAN across to the people!

We work on exciting marketing campaigns, collaborate with artists and musicians, and arrange professional photoshoots for the garments.

We also love to hear feedback and, if you sign up to our mailing list, you can contribute directly to our new product development ideas.